Go here to read a recent interview she did with another client.
Go here to find out about her literary taste.
And stop by NEXT Monday to read an interview I'll post for even more info. Tricia has been in publishing for quite a while and, while Erin Murphy Literary Agency is well established in YA/MG, there's not a lot of online stuff about her yet because she's such a new agent.
Now, here's where you come in.
I need your help in 1. getting the word out about the pitch contest (because I've never hosted one of these before and I'd really like to avoid the metaphorical egg all over my face should Feb. 17 arrive with only two entries *red face*) and 2. coming up with questions to ask Tricia in next week's interview.
I need your help in 1. getting the word out about the pitch contest (because I've never hosted one of these before and I'd really like to avoid the metaphorical egg all over my face should Feb. 17 arrive with only two entries *red face*) and 2. coming up with questions to ask Tricia in next week's interview.
If you choose to become an Honorary Marketing Partner, I'm offering two prizes. TWO!! The first person chosen by Rafflecopter will get to choose between them. The second will win the other choice or give it to the next in line, etc. I'll announce the winner Feb. 13.
Prize #1: The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey
This is a hardcover, signed, first-edition that is coming out Feb. 1. Eowyn is almost my neighbor, has been interviewed on this blog and her book is an Oprah Magazine Top 10 pick for Feb. It's also number one in various European countries and will no doubt make Eowyn very famous. *crossing fingers* Mark my words, some day this first edition will be a collector's item.
Prize #2: a year's subscription to Query Tracker
Many of you know that, had it not been for the awesome QT and the forums offered there, I never would've connected with the agents at EMLA. It is a must for any serious querier and yes, the premium membership is totally worth it. If you win this prize, you'll get to enjoy all the premium membership features, including agents with similar tastes, rollover of your query list for various projects and much more.
So, will you help me?? If that's a yes, increase your chances through the typical blogging ways:
+1 to be a follower of this blog or on Twitter
+1 tweet about the giveaway
+2 if you suggest a question for Tricia (Feb. 3 deadline)
+5 if you blog about this contest
The Rafflecopter widget is below. Take it away! (If you can't see it, click on the title of this post and it should show up when the page refreshes.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Awesome contest! I hope I get to enter :)
Possible questions:
*Is there a big difference being an agent in Washington versus New York? (or something better about agenting across the country)
*What do you want to see more of as an agent?
Thanks and good luck :)
This is so exciting! Thanks for hosting this!
~ Aside from being an excellent writer, what other things do you look for in those you represent? (Online presence, member of writing organization, etc)
~ What type of relationship do you have with those you represent? Do you converse often?
Thanks again!
Awesome. Just awesome! Will definitely be spreading the word. :)
I'd also like to know the agent/author philosophy Kelley already asked. :)
I'd love to enter, if only my MS was polished.
I'll spread the word on my blog ;)
Umm... a question: How about... What do agents read more? The query letter of the first few pages? Is there any genre that has turned them off completely?
I'd also like to know how they like the MS sent to them... there are so many suggestions out there - chapters together, new chapter per page. So many conflicting suggestions :)
This is amaaaazzzing! You're amazing - so I've given you an award: http://freyamorris.blogspot.com/2012/01/kreativ-blogger-award.html
I'm in! I had her on my query list and put a sad face next to her name, since the agency is closed to unsolicited queries.
P.S. Tweeting works--that's how I found you!
Oh, I forgot last night to tell you I left an award on my blog for you :)
Thanks Melodie :)
I'm extremely new to your blog. I found you through twitter.
My question would be, since she is a new agent, but the agency is closed to unsolicited queries, how does she go about finding clients? (just curious).
I hope I win. I really can use the query tracker sub.
Dang it, Google friend is determined to make a liar of me--it won't let me follow right now. Will try again later!
Good luck with your contest, Melodie! I'm sure you'll get plenty of entries. :)
Good luck with the contest. Tricia doesn't represent my genre, but I wish everyone who enters the best of luck.
Darn, she doesn't do my genre, but have fun with it!
This is awesome! I'm tweeting right now :D
Great contest! Thanks for the opportunity!
I don't think you'll have a problem with entries :)
Thanks for the contest! I look forward to learning more.
Awesome contest! I'm a new follower.
Interview Questions: 1) what annoys you most in a client/potential client?
2) Think about the worst query letter you ever received. What made it so bad?
(Sorry my questions are so negative, but all the good questions were already taken! )
I shared a link to both Kelly's post mentioning the contest, as well as on my 2/2 blog. I also shared it in a FB group of children's writers. Good lukc.
Love your blog - happy to stumble across it and start following you!
And Tricia is just plan wonderful!
Thanks so much for hosting this opportunity Melodie!
Stacy Jensen's link brought me here, and I am so grateful!
I would ask the following:
How many minutes (seconds?) do you spend reading a query on average?
Do you glance at the MS before reading the query or only after?
A Few Questions for Tricia,
1). This past weekend at SCBWI in NY, a YA editor said "MG is the new YA". What are you hearing from editors about what they are looking for in MG?
2). What are some of your all time favorite MG reads?
3). Any thoughts about the shrinking traditional publishing market and how that relates to all readers younger than YA?
Thanks for this fabulous opportunity!
1. What do you think of some people's desire for a middle ground between YA and JA? (The term "middle grade" is so new and weird to me, so I still tend to refer to it as Juvenile Adult, the term I'm most familiar with. I'm also old-fashioned enough to prefer the term "junior high" to "middle school.") Should there be a specific age category for preteens and people in their lower teens, kind of a transition between books for older teens and the 10 and under crowd?
2. Do you like historical fiction? Would it turn you off or interest you if the historical fiction aspect were blended with something else? My historical fiction YA is mixed with social satire and spoof, not straight historical, and I know some other people have mixed historical fiction with sci-fi or fantasy.
What a great opportunity!
Okay, questions:
How do you know when a genre is 'in' or going 'out?' How do you know when the market is gearing up for the next big thing?
Do you have any inclination as to what the next big thing will be?
What a wonderful opportunity, Melodie! (And if I haven't mentioned it already, congratulations on signing with such an awesome agent!) If Ammi-Joan Paquette weren't already considering Steve, I'd definitely enter him.
Some questions for Trisha:
What would you like to see in the way of YA non-fiction?
You're a strong advocate for social media. What steps do you recommend aspiring authors take in this areabefore querying ?
Great opportunity, thanks Melodie. I could've sworn I left a comment, but I must not have hit publish.
So here is my question. Have you ever taken on a client whose story you loved, but needed A LOT of revising? (more than whatever the typical amount)
Really cool!
Here's a question I've always wondered: When most writers are signed, it seems they have revisions or edits to do with their agent before they go on submission. How extensive are these, usually? What do they address? How long do these usually take?
Thanks! :)
Awesome contest. Thanks, Melodie!
What a great contest, I'm excited to enter and pitch.
I'm too late to ask a question, but can I ask you one? I don't see any details on how to submit the query/pitch... unless I just missed them somewhere?
Melanie - you'll submit your query/first 250 in the comments of the Feb. 13 post.
Kathryn: Speaking only for myself, I can say my revisions with Tricia are mainly fine tuning. I know she's asked other clients for larger revisions...so it depends on your MS and what it takes to get it ready for market.
And FYI, I entered the contest but won't blog about it till tomorrow (wed), even though I clicked on the blogged button already. If that makes sense. Which it so doesn't.
Thanks for hosting this contest.
My question is, what do you think will be the next hot trend in the market within the next 1-3 years?
Mermaids, demons, ghosts?
Or do you think paranormal trends will fade and more contemporary titles and subjects matters attracting readers?
If we didn't enter the contest for the book or QueryTracker membership, can we still pitch this week? *crosses fingers & wishes on an eyelash*
What an awesome contest! Darn, I met you too late. I learned about you through Taryn's blog post today. :)
Please let me know if you'll be having another one like this. Tricia sounds amazing.
I understand that EMLA works from Maine and Seattle and Falgstaff. How do you do that? How independent are you of each other?
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